Sabtu, 25 April 2009


Eva Nur Mazidah (120710209)

1. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the basic construction theory of CDA concentrating on function of language-elements and combinations-which starts at social context (what and how it happens).
2. Hard structures are such parts of linguistics systems for instance parts of speech e.g. nouns, adjectives, etc. (concrete structures). Further, soft structures are used functions of language considered by the level of abstraction. Both are used by CDA as tools in interpreting, describing, and explaining.
3. According to Halliday, a deep organizing feature of SEL is function of language which focuses on a systematic correspondence between the semiotic of the situation type and the functional organization of the semantic system.
4. According to Halliday, there are several distinguishing features of SEL namely mode, tenor, field, and system or systemic linguistic.
• Mode of language functions as textual.
• Tenor of utterance functions as interpersonal.
• Field of language functions as ideational.
• System, systemic linguistics, includes the conscious or unconscious choice of meaning.
5. American researchers are reluctant to take up the work of SFL because they have been accustomed to using a Chomskian model of linguistics which refuses the theoretical assumption.
6. Social, cultural, political, and economic contexts are shaped and shape the assumption of the language used.
7. According to Fairclough (1995), there are three significant context to CDA namely local, institutional, and social which are compatible in analyzing the instructions in educational institution activities.
8. The aspect to be discussed is the teacher-student interaction, their relationship, etc.
9. CA (.Conversation Analysis) is linguistic analysis which uses immediate physical context in reconstructing the meaning of the given utterance and analyzes the pattern of conversation. For instance the way student and teacher interacts each other.
10. The frame problem is limitation problem used to determine what context included in analyzing the context of language in use.

thelit New cRiticism



New Criticism-> 1940s-1960s
• Reader-Response Criticism opposes New Criticism's definition of the literary text and method of interpreting it, and Structuralism rejects New Criticism's focus on the individual literature work in isolation from other literature and from other cultural productions. Deconstruction’s theory of language and new historicism's view of objective evidence are directly opposed to new critical assumptions about language and objectivity.`
• New Criticism: "the text itself" the sole source of evidence for interpreting it and "internal fallacy" to refer to the mistaken belief that the author's intention is the same as the meaning of the text.
• Affective fallacy confuses the text with it affects (with emotion it produces)
• Intentional fallacy confuses the text with its origins
• Affective Fallacy leads to (a) impressionistic responses(don't like a character, the character must be evil) (b) relativism (the text means whatever any reader thinks it means). The final outcome of the practice is chaos (no standard for interpreting or evaluating).
• for New criticism, a literature work is a timeless, autonomous (self sufficient) verbal object.
• To do new Critical reading, what should be asked is how this piece works. Look for complexcities in the text: paradoxes, ironies, and ambiguities. Find unifying idea or theme which resolves these tensions.
• Lit. language is expressive; it communicates tone, attitude, and feeling and organizes ling. resources into a special arrangement, a complex unity to create an aesthetic experience, a world of its own.
• How a literary text means is inseparable from what it means (organic unity).
• Organic unity > complexity and order.
• Complexcity of the text > product of linguistic devices.
• Paradox > seems self-contradictory but represents the actual way things are.
• Irony > a statement event undermined by the context where it occurs.
• Ambiguity > a word, image, or event generates two or more different meanings (source of richness, depth, and complexity).
• Tension > dynamic interplay among the text's opposing tendencies such paradoxes, Ironies, and ambiguities.
• Besides those above, New Criticism also needs to define the figurative language such imageries, symbols, metaphors, and similes.
• New Criticism treated psychoanalogical, sosiological, and philosophical content the same way they treated the text's formal elements.
• Intrinsic Criticism > denote that they stayed within the confines of the text itself.
• Extrinsic Criticism > goes outside the lit. Text for the tools needed to interpret it.
• Objective criticism > focus on each text own formal elements insured would dictate how it would be interpreted.
• New Criticism > close reading.

Selasa, 14 April 2009

poetry 1


By Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The illustration of the poem
In this section, I would like to illustrate the poem stanza to stanza.
It told about the death of Margaret (the sister) on Christmas Eve. After long time in hospital(long-ungranted shade), finally the long misery of her illness was over when every body who loved her were tired and worried.
Her mother, who always stayed over there to accompany her time after time, got up from her place for the first time; sat and prayed.
While waiting for her in the hospital, she usually did something ( she had work-table and work to finish) lightened by the candle and sat near by her daughter laid so that she could watch her daughter event though she worked.
It was winter by which the thin and smooth light was shined by moon.
She was hospitalized in a ventilated room, very quite, where there was a small room with a round mirror.
The writer if the poem “I” had been there for nights to accompany Margaret. He was so tired and submissive; he was given up everything.
It was twelve sharp; times felt reduced; hope was getting over.
The mother stopped working (like sewing manually with hand). She put off her work, silken gown, in very carefully(in order not to make disturbance).
The Christmas day, when The Newly Born(Jesus), times felt so slowed down. It was time when people were usually happy including the mother even though her daughter was sick.
The mother went near Margaret with anxious. She was afraid of what was happening to Margaret. She directly checked her daughter condition.
She moved little bit and came to Margaret again. She acted as if something bad happened to Margaret. She was suddenly shocked and tortured in severe painful heart.
The “I” just hid his face, afraid of the reality taking over the nightmare. They were just kept silent, feeling deep sadness.
The mother bowed and cried. Her sadness spread to the atmosphere. The “I” said `that actually he knew his sister dead. Her sister was pale, white. She died in the Christmas Eve.
She died at oo.15 am.
They believed that she dies peacefully and rested in peace because she died right when it was Christmas, Jesus birthday. She was born to another phase of life, next-world.
figures of speech and imagery
· Of weary eyelids overweighed the pain naught else might yet relieve. Synecdoche>eye lids replace those people tiresome.
· At the length the long-unganted shade. Hyperbole> overstating the place where Margaret was hospitalized.
· Our mother who had leaned all day/ over the bed from chime to chime/ raised herself for the first time. Hyperbole
· For the glare made by candle. Personification
· The hollow halo it was in/ was like an icy crystal cup. Simile> the situation was cold, dim, and winter.
· With subtle sound of flame. Paradox
· By vents the firshine drove and reddened. Personification
· The mirror shed a clearness round. Personification
· I had been sitting up all nights Hyperbole
· My tired mind felt weak and blank. Personification
· Like a sharp strengthening wine it drank/ the stillness and broken lights. Personification
· Twelve struck/…crept off and then riffled silence spread again. Personification
· Like water that a pebble stirs. Simile > time goes on
· Heard the hours. Metaphor
· With anxious softly-stepping haste. Personification
· All the features seemed in pain. Synecdoche
· Her eyes gazed and yearned. Hyperbole
· Held my breath. Synecdoche
· There was `none spoken. Synecdoche> no one spoke
· And both my arms fell. Synecdoche> he fell on knee.
· And there, all white, my sister slept. Metaphor> she was` pale. It was in the winter.
· “Christ blessing on the newly born.” Paradox> it was one’s dead when the Christmas was.

3. The theme is about losing our beloved one is natural thing whenever it happens.

amStud 5




Sejak awal kedatangan orang-orang Eropa di Amerika, bisa dikatakan kehidupan native Americans semakin menderita. Hal itu disebabkan oleh sikap orang-orang Eropa yang menganggap native Americans sebagai ancaman yang harus disingkirkan. Meskipun native Americans pernah berperang melawan koloni-koloni Inggris tahun 1620-1630an, namun usaha mereka gagal karena kekuatan militer lawan jauh lebih kuat. Selanjutnya mereka mengusir native Americans ke wilayah pedalaman, memperbudak mereka, dan bahkan mendeportasi mereka. Selain itu, adakalanya para Settlers juga menjanjikan tempat reservasi dan iming-iming lain untuk native Americans seperti "indian reservation" yang pada akhirnya digunakan untuk secara paksa mengasismilasi native Americans , meskipun pada akhirnya sangat tidak mungkin berhasil.
Setelah proklamasi Amerika Serikat, pemerintah memperlakukan suku-suku tersebut sebagai taklukkan perang dan mengambil tanah mereka secara paksa. Di sisi lain pemerintah mengirimkan guru dan misionaris yang mengubah mereka menjadi petani yang bisa hidup di masyarakat Amerika. Banyak hal pahit yang dialami native Americans sedangkan pemerintah seolah-olah membantu mereka, mengasimilasi mereka, tetapi pada akhirnya mereka juga masih tetap sengsara, seperti pada saat penggusuran 100.000 ribu native Americans ke wilayah Indian Territory yang memaksa mereka beradaptasi di wilayah yang sangat jauh berbeda dengan wilayah mereka terdahulu. Banyak dari mereka yang gagal bertahan hidup dan semua yang dijanjikan pemerintah tidak ada. Mereka pun banyak yang terjerumus pada ketergantungan, alkohol, dan kemiskinan.
Perkembangan pun muncul seiring berjalannya waktu, pergerakan "Self-Determination" contohnya. Pergerakan ini berhasil melobi pemerintah wilayah untuk memberikan perlakuan yang sama dan pemerintahan sendiri. Hal itu berhasil pada tahun 1968 ketika pasal tentang peraturan hak-hak asasi orang indian disahkan. Peraturan "Self-Determination" yang disahkan pada tahun 1975 memberikan kesempatan pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial pada native Americans, aeperti 20 % minyak As dan 2/3 uranium berada di wilayah reservasi milik native Americans. Berdasarkan sensus 1990, satu dari empat native Americans tinggal di wilayah Reservation Indians, tiga yang lain tinggal di wilayah urban dimana pekerjaan lebih banyak dan bervariasi. Kegagalan native Americans dalam menjalani hidup di kota membuat 20 % dari mereka hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan, gaji rendah, kurang berpendidikan, pengangguran, dan sebagainya. Data tahun 2001 menunjukkan bahwa sebagaian besar "Reservation Indians" masih hidup dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan. Mereka memiliki jumlah terbesar pengangguran, pecandu alkohol, putus sekolah, dan bunuh diri. Mungkin hal itu juga pengaruh dari trauma kehidupan masa lalu, ketika ketenangan hidup mereka terusik oleh kedatangan orang-orang Eropa yang secara membabi buta merampas apa yang seharusnya menjadi milik mereka.

Kamis, 09 April 2009





a. Derivational morphology is the part of grammar that deals with the derivations of words → derive a new meaning by adding bound morphemes to a root or stem. for example pure+ -ify = purify "to make pure'.

b. Inflectional morphology is the part of grammar that deals with bound morpheme that have a strictly grammatical function; never change the syntactic category of the words or morphemes to which they are attached. For example work-works-worked-working.

c. Grammatical word is one of the several forms that may be assumed by lexical item for grammatical purpose. For example cat and cats are grammatically words of the lexical item CAT.

d. Lexeme is the minimal unit of language whish has a semantic interpretation and embodies a distinct cultural concept; the fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language. Find, finds, found, and finding are forms of the English lexeme find.


a. Regular inflection

when English word is a noun denoting a kind of thing that can be counted and the plural form can be formed by the suffix -s or the allomorph of this suffix e.g. cat and cats

have a settled pattern such -ed in past form, -ing in progressive, -s/es in present singular forms.

b. Irregular inflection

a kind of idiosyncrasy that dictionaries need to acknowledge by indications. e.g. tooth teeth

c. suppletion

is a morphological pattern (usually inflectional) in which one inflection has a stem different from the default one. For example stem of GO is go but this is replaced in GO:past by {wen} (to which the past-tense suffix {t} is added).


a. Perisphatic is other stylistic variety expression used to express statement; formed with a particle or an auxiliary verb instead of by inflection (Ex.: the phrase did sing used for the inflected form sang)


a. Syncretism is a pattern in inflectional morphology where two distinct inflections have the same form. For example, regular syncretism of the passive participle and the perfect

Selasa, 07 April 2009

amsTud rep 5



Perpindahan ke wilayah barat dimulai pada tahun 1600-1900an. Para penghuni wilayah perbatasan biasanya tinggal di tempat jarang penduduk. American frontier membawa kebudayaan dan hukum bersama mereka kamanapun mereka pergi dan menetap. Di sana mereka menjalani hidup yang keras sehingga mereka harus bisa bertahan hidup dan harus memiliki kondisi fisik yang kuat dan kesabaran. Untuk itu mereka juga perlu memiliki pengetahuan bagaimana bertanam, memotong kayu, memegang senjata yang pada intinya mereka harus bisa memproduksi makanan, melindungi diri, dan sebagainya.
Awal mulanya, American frontier tinggal dan bertahan hidup dengan membangun tempat tinggal sementara. Setelah itu, mereka membuat kabin permanen dan setelah keadaan mereka sudah tetap, mereka mendirikan perkampungan, sekolah, dan toko-toko.
American frontier merupakan orang-orang yang mandiri baik dalam mendapatkan suplai makanan, membuat alat-alat rumah tangga, memperbaiki barang, dan sebagainya. Rumah-rumah pada masa american frontier pun beragam sesuai dengan kondisi dimana mereka tinggal. Di wilayah east Mississippi River, mereka mendirikan rumah kabin (Cabin Log). Di wilayah padang rumput Texas Pandhandle sampai ke dataran rendah Dakota, mereka membuat rumah Sod(dari tanah dan akar pohon) dan di daerah Southwest, mereka membuat rumah susun/ adobe house. Baik sod houses maupun adobe houses sama-sama menggunakan kulit hewan untuk pintu dan jendela.
Meskipun Disana dijelaskan kalau American frontier berjasa dalam membentuk nilai-nilai budaya (seperti mandiri, individuais, egalitarian, dll), saat ini kabanyakan orang amerika lebih prihatin terhadap keadaan orang-orang Indian yang banyak dibunuh, tanahnya diambil, dan kabudayaanya hancur. Meskipun mereka mendapatkan sebagian kecil tanah(tampat reservasi) dari pemerintah, namun hal itu hanya memberikan mereka kesengsaraan.
Berbicara tentang kemandirian, para pendahulu terebut dituntut untuk bisa hidup mandiri. Mereka mendirikan rumah, berburu, meramu, dan sebagainya. Hal itu yang akhirnya membentuk mereka menjadi individualis yang bersifat keras “rugged individualism” (secara fisik kuat dan mampu bertahan hidup di alm yang keras). Disini dijelaskan dua macam pahlawan “rugged individualism” yang masing-masing dibentuk oleh tingkat kehidupan yang berbeda. Pertama, sebelum Perang Saudara tahun 1860an. Perjuangan utama mereka adalah melawan kekejaman hutan belantara dan kemampuan bertahan hidup. Tokoh yang paling terkenal adalah Daniel Boone. Kedua, berlangsung dari tahun 1860 sampai tahun 1890an. Perjuangan mereka bukan lagi menaklukkan alam, melainkan menaklukkan orang-orang yang dianggap lawan seperti native Americans dalam mendapatkan tanah. Untuk itu muncullah istilah “the wild west”. Mereka merupakan para petarung, A defender good against evil. Tokoh yang paling tekenal adalah Jesse James dan Wyatt Earp.
Dari tipe kedua tersebut, lahir pula istilah “macho” yang merujuk pada pria dan kekuatan. Hal tersebut menunjukkan kekuatan pria lewat pertarungan fisik. Gambaran tentang rugged individualism ini dikritisi karena beberapa hal. Rugged individualism terlalu berlebihan dalam menunjukkan pentingnya “complete self-reliance” dan kurang dalam menunjukkan pentingnya kerja sama dalam membangun bangsa. Kedua, yang ditonjolkan hanya sosok pria yang maskulin padahal wanita juga berperan banyak penting pada masa itu. Selanjutnya, rugged individualism terlalu menekankan pada kekerasan dan penggunaan senjata dalam menyalesaikan masalah. Hal tesebut bahkan sampai sekarang masih menjadi perdebatan sebagaimana NRA dan Handgun Control, Inc.
Selain masalah-masalah di atas, hal positif yang dapat diambil dari American frontier adalah self-reliance yang membangkitkan spirit of inventiveness. Mereka saat itu dituntut mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup masing-masing dan menghadapi masalah yang membutuhkan solusi-solusi baru. Hal itu akhirnya memaksa mereka dalam melakukan berbagai macam percobaan dan penemuan. Keinginan tersebut menjadi perjanjian baru bagi mereka bahwa “ a can-do spirit” menjadi kebanggaan dan inspirasi optimisme kalau setiap masalah pasti ada solusinya.
Akhirnya, The frontier merupakan ekspresi kebebasan individu, kemandirian, dan juga kesamaan dalam kesempatan. Itulah yang sampai sekarang mereka pegang sebagai nilai-nilai budaya nasional.

Senin, 06 April 2009

ma mind








Rabu, 01 April 2009




• Feminist criticism examines the ways in which literature reinforce or undermine the economics, political, social, and psychological oppression of women.
• The meanest feminist claims that we should not use the masculine pronoun “he” to represent both men and women. For common people, “inclusive he” is a merely a convention language that include man and women. But for feminist, pronoun “he” reflects and bolster a “habit of seeing” which use male experience as the standard of both sexes is evaluated, e.g. literary works.
• Traditional gender roles show men as rational, strong, protective, and decisive while women as emotional (irrational), weak, nurturing, and submissive.
• Patriarchy, sexist, women are innately inferior to men.
• Biological essentialism → belief in the inborn inferior to men.
• Hysteria (Greek: womb) refers to psychological disorders considered peculiar to women and characterized by over-emotional, highly irrational behavior.
• Feminism distinguishes between sex(biological constitution, male and female) and gender(cultural programming, feminine and masculine).
• Demolishing verbal attacks to men is to be compared with women.
• Homosexuality’s included in the list of “feminine” behaviors. Thus, patriarchy wants to weaken a behavior, it portrays that behavior as feminine.
• Patriarchy concept of feminine is linked to frailty, modesty, and timidity→ disempowers women.
• In fairy tales, it’s shown how persuasive patriarchal ideology is and how it can program us without our knowledge and consent.
• Patriarchal ideology divides women into two categories; good girl/Madonna/angel and bad girl/whore/bitch.
• Patriarchy continually se forces that weaken women’s self confidence and assertiveness, then points to be absence of these qualities as proof that women are naturally, and self-effacing and submissive.
• In patriarchal programming mind-set, girls are programmed to fail and be less logical than males. It justifies its assumption about women.
• The persistence of repressive attitudes toward women]s sexuality is still visible in our language today.
• Tight skirt and high heels(feminine) represent physical ability imposed by 19 century women clothing and to the male sexual access to women’s bodies such clothes allow.
• All feminist activities, theory and literature criticism, are to gain equality gender.
• Patriarchal makes generally require prescribed “correct” methods of organization, rationalist logic, and linier thinking.
• E criture feminine is fluidly organized and freely associative.
• Deal with entrapment within patriarchal ideology is to consider the possibility that no ideology succeed in fully programming all people all of the time.
• Feminists use elements of psychoanalysis (help to understand the psychological effect of patriarchal ideology as well as how and why women and men internalize it), Marxist(how economic forces have been manipulated by law and custom to keep women oppressed as an underclass), and deconstruction( help to see the ways where patriarchal is often based on the false opposition.
• Patriarchy operates differently in different countries.
• The ultimate aim of feminist criticism is to increase our understanding in women experience, both in the past and present, and promote our appreciation of women’s values in the world.


Per Te

Sento nell'aria profumo di te
Piccoli sogni vissuti con me
Ora lo so, non voglio perderti
Quella dolcezza così senza età
La tua bellezza rivali non ha
Il cuore mio vuole soltanto te

Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te

Dimmi che tu già il futuro lo sai
Dimmi che questo non finirà mai
Senza di te non voglio esistere

Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te

Non devo dirtelo, ormai gia lo sai
Che morirei, senza di te

Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te, farò
tutto quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te

For You (Per Te)

I smell in the air the scent of you
Little dreams had lived with me
Now I know, I don’t wanna lose you
That sweetness which has no age
Your beauty has no rivals
My heart wants only you

For you, For you, I’ll live
Love is gonna win
With you, With you, I’ll have
Hundreds days of happiness
Hundreds nights of serenity
I’ll do what you’ll ask me to
I’ll go always anywher you go
I’ll give all the love I feel for you

Tell me that you know the future, yet
Tell me that this is not gonna change
Without you I don’t wanna exist

For you, For you, I’ll live
Love is gonna win
With you, With you, I’ll have
Hundreds days of happiness
Hundreds nights of serenity
I’ll do what you’ll ask me to
I’ll go always anywher you go
I’ll give all the love I feel for you

I mustn’t say it to you, by now you know it
That I would die without you

For you, For you, I’ll live
Love is gonna win
With you, With you, I’ll do
Everything you’ll ask me to
I’ll go always anywher you go
I’ll give all the love I feel for you

"You Weren't There"

She came home, just won the game
Long time struggle she fulfilled her dream
All she wanted was to make you proud,
You weren't there

He had his birthday few days ago
He got some presents, a big party too
And there were congratulation calls
As the years before, not ever one from you

You weren't there, distant, far away
It's like this every day, they see you in their heads
Wonder if you'll come
Afraid to close their eyes, and miss you once again

She cut herself on a piece of paper
It didn't hurt, but she saw the blood
She could need that embrace, you weren't there

Did he have to cry louder,
Would that make you hear him
You see, his heart was broken, for the first time

Cannot turn back time, a wish yet to come true
They're making up these stories about you

You weren't there, distant, far away
It's like this every day, they see you in their heads
Wonder if you'll come
Afraid to close their eyes, and miss you once again

"Unforgivable Sinner"

Kinda lose your sense of time
'Cause the days don't matter no more
All the feelings that you hide
Gonna tear you up inside
You hope she knows you tried

Follows you around all day
And you wake up soaking wet
'Cause between this world and eternity
There is a face you hope to see

You know where you've sent her
You sure know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
But you can't hear those words
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner

You've been walking around in tears
No answers are there to get
You won't ever be the same
Someone cries and you're to blame

Struggling with a fight inside
Sorrow you'll defeat
The picture you see it won't disappear
Not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear

Maybe one time lost
But now you're found
Stand right up before
You hit the ground
Maybe one time lost
But now you're found
Stand right up before
You hit the ground - hit the ground

You know where you've sent her
You sure know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
But you can't hear those words
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner

Decode lyrics

How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time.

How can I ever own what's mine?
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride.
No, not this time.
Not this time.

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well.
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue.
Just boiling in my blood.
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are,
If you're a man at all.
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own.
(I'm screaming, "I love you so.")
On my own.
(My thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah.
But how did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves.
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves.

Yeah. Yeah.

How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I used to know you so well.
I think I know.
I think I know.

There is something I see in you.
It might kill me.
I want it to be true.





Luas wilayah Amerika Serikat mencapai 3.615.122 km² dengan kondisi lingkungan yang beragam; wilayah dingin, tropis, hutan hujan, padang pasir, dataran rendah, pegunungan, dan lain-lain.

Cultural Geography
Amerika Serikat terkenal dengan kemajemukannya. Masing-masing wilayah memiliki kebudayaan yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain.

Native American Cultural Regions
Banyak sekali perbedaan budaya Native American ketika orang-orang Eropa dating ke Amerika tahun 1500 di Woodland Eastern, sekarang terkenal dengan nama North-eastern dan South-eastern Maize Region. Maize disini berarti jagung yang menjadi makanan pokok mereka. Penduduknya hidup dengan bergantung pada berburu, memancing, bercocok tanam, dan berkumpul.
Native American yang tinggal di daerah padang rumput dan Great Plains(daerah Bison) biasa hidup dengan berburu, berkumpul, dan bertanam di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai. Kerena belum ada alat transportasi, mereka biasa menggunakan bison ataupun berjalan kaki.
Di wilayah South-west, Native American hidup dengan cara berburu, nomaden, maskipun banyak dari mereka yang bergantung pada agrikultur dengan system irigasi. Orang-orang Hopi, Zuni, dan Acoma tinggal di rumah yang mereka sebut dengan Puebloes.
The California-intermontane sering disebut sebagai wilayah native yang paling miskin tetapi di sisi lain mereka dipuji karena tradisi pilitik demokratis dan kedamaian hidupnya.

Attitude toward the Land
Kepemilikan dan penggunaan secara kelompok merupakan hal yang sangat umum bahkan setiap grup mempunyai konsep berbeda tentang wilayah teritori mereka.

Cultural Regions in the Contemporary USA
Setelah kedatangan orang-orang eropa, kehidupan di Amerika berubah. Amerika cenderung lebih secara demografi stabil. Namun, di sisi lain banyak hal yang muncul seperti perbedaan pandangan tentang wilayah, penggunaan energi, orientasiseksual, dan aborsi.

The North-East
Kerena terjadi post-industrialisme di sana, North-east masih menjadi pusat ekonomi dan budaya

The South
Wilayah ini jauh dari homogenitas. Disinilah pada akhirnya terjadi Perang Saudara(Civil War) karena orang-orang Inggris menjadikan orang-orang kulit hitam sebagai budak untuk pabrik mereka. Wilayah ini merupakan pengahasil tembakau dan katun yang besar. Orang-orang disana kebanyakan kurang berpendidikan, lebih religius, lebih konservatif, dan lebih unggul dari populasi wilayah lain. Di sana juga sejak tahun 1990 terjadi pertumbuhan yang pesat terhadap orang-orang Latino,`orang-orang Demokrat.

The Mid-West
Wilayah ini merupakan pusat manufaktur (industri) seperti St. Louis dan Minneapolis dan juga menjadi lahan pertanian. Selain itu, disinilah tempat lahirnya partai Republikan yang menolak perbudakan dan yang mencalonkan Lincoln sebagai presiden.

The West
Wilayah ini disebut juga sebagai Mitos yang merepresentasikan kemungkinan, kebebasan, kemandirian, dan masa depan. The West dibagi menjasi 3 area; The south-West, The Mountain States, dan The Pacific Coast.
The South-West ditempati oleh orang-porang Meksiko-Afrika dan komunitas Native American, juga campuran orang-orang dari negara bagian lain Amerika yang dating dalam jumlah besar setelah tahun 1945. Peternakan sapi dan domba merupakan sumber ekonomi paling penting, selain itu sumur-sumur dan bendungan sungai-sungai besar telah menhadikan padang gurun sebagai lahan pertanian irigasi dan wilayah metropolitan.
Kepadatan penduduk di the Mountain awalnya rendah. Namun setelah terjadi migrasi besar-besaran, The Mountain berubah menjadi salah satu pusat perekonomian.
Di sisi lain, pendudukanorang-orang Eropa membawa tha Pacific Coast pada perkembangan. Pada tahun 1849 di san Francisco pertama kalinya mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat karena menjasi pelabuhan masuk untuk Gold Rush “Forty-Niner”.





Imigrasi merupakan bagian penting bagi sejarah Amerika Serikat. Mereka dating untuk mengadu nasib dan mengabdi pada “mimpi”. Itulah mengapa setelah terjadi imigrasi besar-besaran, banyak sekali dijumpai latar belekang, ras, dan budaya yang beragam. Orang-orang baru yang tinggal di sana harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa mereka sudah tidak lagi tinggal di kampumh halaman dan harus bisa cepat beradaptasi denagan “amerikanisasi”. Orang-orang yang tetap tin ggal di sana telah mampu menapaki jenjang suksesi etnik sebagaimana gelombang baru kedatangan para imigran tiba. Namun bagaimanapun juga, kedatangan para imigran membarikan dampak negative seperti konflik, diskriminasi, eksploitasi ekonomi, gerakan anti orang asing, dan lail-lain. Itulah mengapa dari dulu sampai sekarang tidak akan pernah ada satu budaya nasional di Amerika Serikat. Sebagai jalan keluar untuk keberagaman tersebut maka muncullah istilah “a melting pot”, “a salad with clearly identifiable ingredients”, dan “a stew” yang menunjukkan keberagaman.

Early Encounters European and Native Americans

Saat penjelajah Amerika bertemu orang-orang native Americans pada akhir 1400, sejarah panjang pertentangan dan konflik pun dimulai. Contohnya saja pada awal kedatangan orang-orang Eropa disana; pada gelombang awal mereka masih banyak yang mampu bertahaan hidup. Namun pada abad ke-17 baik pendatang maupun native terinfeksi wabah epidemic. Selain itu, tidak hanya manusia saja yang berimigrasi, hewan dan tanaman pun juga sama.
Native Americans merupakan contoh orang-orang pantheis. Mereka menganggap alam sebagai sesuatu yang sakral. Mereka hanya menerima apa yang terjadi. Itulah sebabnya orang –orang Eropa menganggao native Americans sebagai orang yang malas dan menyia-nyiakan alam kerena orang-orang Eropa menganggap dirinya sebagai The Great Chain of Being.

The Founders

• Orang-orang mendirikan koloni dianggap sebagai pendiri. Karena mereka yang menciptakan adapt, hokum, dan konstitusi yang pada akhirnya membuat para imigran lain harus terbiasa dengan aturan-aturan pendiri.
• Orang-orang inggris pertama kali membangun perkampungan permanent di Jamestown, Virginia tahun 1607. Mereka menjadikannya sebagai perusahaan komersil. Saat mereka kesulitan mendapatkan pekerja pabrik, mereka ekhrnya sekitar tahun 1619 mereka mendatangkan budak dari orang-orang Afrika.
• Tahun 1630, Lord Baltimore mendirikan Maryland sebagai tempat singah untuk umat katholik, orang-orang minoritas England yang teraniaya. Seiring perkembangan zaman, perekonomian mereka seperti Virginia tetapi juga masih berpegang pada pertanian padi dan nila.
• Untuk melepaskan diri dari tekanan di England, orang-orang Pilgrim-kelompok separatis gereja England-mendirikan koloni di Plymouth di Massachusetts. Orang-orang puritan, pendiri koloni Massachusetts Bay, tahun 1630, ingin memurnikan gereja England bukan membelot darinya. Sebagian besar merekamerupakan orang-orang golongan kelas menengah berpendidikan. Mereka berimigrasi untuk alasan agama, politik, dan ekonomi. Mereka yakin diAmerika bisa mendirikan “City on a Hill”.
• Pemdiri The Middle Colonies(New York, New Jersey, dan Pennsylvania) berbeda. Pada awalnya komunitas orang-orang Eropa yang di sini adalah orang-orang Belanda dan Swedia. Namun setelah, tahun 1664, daerah tersebut dikuasai orang-orang Inggris yang juga masih menerapkan tradisi toleransi di kota tersebut.
• Pendiri Pennsylvania adalah orang-orang Quake yang datang berduyun-uyun setelah Charles II memberikan area ke wilayah Pennsylvania tahun 1681 sebagai tempat perlindungan orang-orang beragama.

Gelombang Pertama: Imigrasi Kolonial. 1680-1776

Imigrasi gelombang pertama mengubah demografi daripara koloni. Menjelang 1776, dominasi orang English menurun dari 4/5 menjadi 52% total populasi. Thomas Paine menyabutnya sebagai “Bangsa dari Bangsa-Bangsa” padasaat pendiriannya. Budak Afrika-amerika menduduki 20% populasi. Meskipun disana beragam, termasuk native Americans, namun tetap didominasi oleh orang-orang Anglo-Americans dalam budaya, politik, dan ekonomi sangat jelas.

Gelombang Kedua: Imigran Tua, 1820-1776

Pada gelombang ini sekitar 15,5 juta orang menjadikan Amerika sebagai rumaj mereka. Mereka berasal dari Jerman, Irlandia, Briton, Skandinavia, Perancis-Kanada, China, Swiss, Belanda. Alasan mereka tidak memiliki tempat di negara mereka dan pekerjaan. Selain itu, parjanjian The Homestead Act tahun 1862 yang memberikan tanah dan penemuan emas di California membawa dampak yang cukup berarti dalam menaikkan angka imigrasi.

Gelombang ketiga: Imigran Baru, 1890-1930

Sekitar 1890, jumlah imigran dari barat laut Eropa menurun taham sementara dari Eropa bagian selatan dan timur naik. Puncaknya antara 1890-1914 mencapai 15,5 juta. Kebanyakan adalah kelompok-kelompok baru seperti orang-orang Itali, Yahudi, Polandia, Hongaria, Meksiko, Rusia, Cheko, Yunani, Portigis, Syiriah, Jepang, Filipina, dan lain-lain. Kebanyakan mereka masih muda, belum menikah, suka bepergian sendiri daripada keluarga. 4/5 mereka bekerja di daerah industri kota-kota besar namun banyal dari mereka yang tidak memiliki skill dan dibayar murah.

........................................... to be continued...................................

wRitiNg report 1



One of Indonesia’s tremendous fame is on sports which always take for granted in every sport tournaments even in Olympic. Such badminton, volley ball, tennis, etc. become our specialty, blooming Indonesia in the world. Of course, it is not as simple as dreaming to realize it. Processes are the main reason behind its success. What process do they need? Indeed exercise is the answer. Indonesia has good potential athletes to be trained and in this case Indonesia has had KONI(Komite Olah raga Nasional Indonesia) which execute trainings for all branch sports such Pelatnas(Pelatihan Nasional or National Training) to prepare athletes before they go to championships. Well, we used to have KONI which is actually not too effective lately, but now to maintain, train, and prepare athletes we have PAL( Program Atlet Andalan) proposed by Adhyaksa Dault, the State Minister of Youth and Sports, in 2008. The question is what makes KONI and PAL distinct and why Adhyaksa makes PAL instead of developing KONI.
This year, there will be SEA Games/SEAG 2009 in Laos. Flashing back to several years ago, in 2005 SEAG Filipina, Indonesia was able to be in the fifth rank; in 2007 SEAG Thailand, Indonesia was in the forth rank; and hopefully in SEAG 2009 Laos, Indonesia will be in the third rank. SEAG 2009 is considered harder because of rivals from other countries, e.g. Vietnam has made long term training for its athletes. Adhyaksa believes that Indonesia has to be general champion in SEAG 2011 Indonesia. Besides, other countries have applied sport science and he wants to do so in Indonesia. Thus, he wants to realize it through PAL to accelerate and train our best athletes for international tournaments rather than with KONI which is often trapped in corruption. Unless Indonesia has visible guaranteed program like PAL, Indonesia will not gain all its goals. It is severe reason why Adhyaksa wants to realize it.
Why people favor with PAL? Because of those backgrounds. They further see how ineffectively KONI works to realize it. According to Adhyaksa, PAL is not a counterpart for KONI. Indeed it works with its own way but still they both would like to gain the same result, KONI is like hardware and PAL is like software. Since KONI could not prove much of its success lately, Adhyaksa just thinks of other solution for our sports future, PAL. Still, KONI’s athletes can also join in PAL because in PAL’s selection they look for the best athlethes to be main athletes. PAL, specified and focused on 20 branch sports, can be so effective because it is not as many as KONI in handling athletes so that its visibility in its success to bring up our athletes to champion by gaining training from professional coaches is severe seen. Even if they walk not in the same path but again and again, for sure they are aimed at preparing our athletes in championships.
In 2008, Adhyaksa Dault proposed PAL-different program from Garuda Emas and Indonesia Bangkit used to be created by KONI and ineffective-, prepared for SEAG 2009 Laos until 2012 London Olympic, to be granted by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. PAL itself takes 100 best athletes to be in contract for four years and each contract costs RP 1 billion per year and PAL needs RP 400 billion for main athletes during four years. PAL also has prepared 230 athletes for 20 branch sports consist of 100 main athletes, supported by pratama athletes and junior athletes as liners, recruited either by PAL or also by registering by themselves to PAL. A simple doubt coming toward this case is that this March, there is national selection, for Martial Arts Games 2009 on April, for Pelatnas followed by 115 athletes and 40 of them are PAL’s. Seen from the nature of PAL which gives good facilities and financial support to its athletes, Madju Dharyanto Hutapea( head of AMAG National Training) said that PAL’s athletes would not be all out because of the distinct matters. In Pelatnas held by KONI, they only get RP 2,6 million while in PAL they can even get more. In common sense, people prefer to choose PAL to KONI since PAL your life is guaranteed; athletes get more privileges within their career.
The standard of PAL athletes’ success is that by Asian level competition and at least in a year they are sent in three competitions; if they do not give any champion contribution, they will be replaced by pratama athletes. PAL, launched in November, 12th 2008, is financially supported by APBN and DPR RI. Besides, PAL is also in tied agreements with other ministries such Minister for Internal Affairs, the State Minister for Control of Machinery of the State, Minister of Public Welfare. etc. Simply it shows that actually PAL is considerable to be revealed. Furthermore, PAL is independently managed and given autonomy to maintain its more less 300 selected athletes. Even though many people disfavor with PAL but agreements coming from other ministries, law protection form UU No. 3 2005 about National Sports System granted by President, and good response from DPR RI reflect how background, mechanism, visibility, and solvency of Adhyaksa’s proposal remains good.