Eva Nur Mazidah (120710209)
1. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the basic construction theory of CDA concentrating on function of language-elements and combinations-which starts at social context (what and how it happens).
2. Hard structures are such parts of linguistics systems for instance parts of speech e.g. nouns, adjectives, etc. (concrete structures). Further, soft structures are used functions of language considered by the level of abstraction. Both are used by CDA as tools in interpreting, describing, and explaining.
3. According to Halliday, a deep organizing feature of SEL is function of language which focuses on a systematic correspondence between the semiotic of the situation type and the functional organization of the semantic system.
4. According to Halliday, there are several distinguishing features of SEL namely mode, tenor, field, and system or systemic linguistic.
• Mode of language functions as textual.
• Tenor of utterance functions as interpersonal.
• Field of language functions as ideational.
• System, systemic linguistics, includes the conscious or unconscious choice of meaning.
5. American researchers are reluctant to take up the work of SFL because they have been accustomed to using a Chomskian model of linguistics which refuses the theoretical assumption.
6. Social, cultural, political, and economic contexts are shaped and shape the assumption of the language used.
7. According to Fairclough (1995), there are three significant context to CDA namely local, institutional, and social which are compatible in analyzing the instructions in educational institution activities.
8. The aspect to be discussed is the teacher-student interaction, their relationship, etc.
9. CA (.Conversation Analysis) is linguistic analysis which uses immediate physical context in reconstructing the meaning of the given utterance and analyzes the pattern of conversation. For instance the way student and teacher interacts each other.
10. The frame problem is limitation problem used to determine what context included in analyzing the context of language in use.