Selasa, 30 Maret 2010


Lailul Maulidiyah 120710199
Eva Nur Mazidah 120710209
Verdiana P. 120710233
Ruri Fadhilah K. 120710242

Pragmatics Assignment II
Section 2, Text 2 on page 92

1. What do you think is the ‘invariant core’ meaning of the word ‘ball’ as proposed here? Can you think of any use of the word ‘ball’ that would not have that ‘core’ meaning? Can ‘the context’ cause a word not to have its ‘core’ meaning?
Invariant core meaning comes up in the word “ball” proposed here is the round volume thing used in sports depends on the context(what sports). For instance when we use “ball” in the context of sports by signifying what actions are given towards the ball e.g. dribbling, serving, kicking, etc. these actions help us to understand what ball is used and meant.

“Will you come to the ball?”
“Mmm,, I’ve another ball.”
The dialogue above shows that ball does not have to be round volume thing used in sports. Here “ball” means a party. It means that “ball” can have other meaning that is not the “invariant core” meaning.
Indeed context plays significant role in determining what “ball” refers to. Somehow in general knowledge “ball” means round volume thing in sports. It also opens possibility of other meanings e.g. party, part of body, etc. if it is given such certain context. For example:
“We will come to the ball tonight.”
“I have prepared my ball dress.”
“Saskia will not come because she hurt ball of her hand.”
“Is her ball badly injured?”
“Yes, because she was carelessly smashing the ball.”
“Well, she should be on the ball.”

2. What does the term ‘context’ seem to refer to in this text? If you have a different concept of ‘context’, how would you revise this paragraph to illustrate it more clearly?
The meaning of context here is the physical environment or circumstances or setting in which a word is used. Context in text 2 means the actions given towards the ball. It is that guides us to understand what ball the text means.
We assume that it is quiet understandable within the situation that involved in the text.

3. In that ways is the view of pragmatic in this text similar to or different from the way pragmatics is defined in text?
We believe that the view of text I and text 2 is different. The difference is upon the sentence and the context. In text I, we are only given context of situation of an action. While in text 2, we are given both sentences and contexts.

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